Posted by Respect Girls on Internet on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Youth empowerment is an attitudinal, structural, and cultural process whereby young people gain the ability, authority, and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives and the lives of other people in a positive manner, thus include parents, teachers and professionals who would provide support, secure and safe environments for them to flourish to their full potential
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
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Friday, 14 August 2015
Adobe - UNICEF support help youth transcending to the future
2013 Shilpa Sayura Foundation won Adobe Aspire UNICEF challenge for YES Film Project. It provided The 40,000 USD funding for Shilpa Sayura Youth Development. The funds provided in a flash for the idea youth creative skills development to enter Digital media field.
It was a turning point of Shilpa Sayura development which fused YES youth team to become young professionals. The funding helped securing a crew cab, two 5D Mark II cameras, lighting equipment and advanced computers. The funds also used to help Youth team scholarships to help their post secondary education. With funds and equipment youth ( formed YES Media and YES Films social ventures.

YES Films served community and business digital media needs. YES civic media creations ranged from Child Soldiers, Reconciliation, Alcohol & Substance abuse, Cyber Harassment, Poverty, Environment, Cultural Integration and Gender Equality. Their graphics, documentaries and short films exhibited in communities and shared online. The youth initiating an online dialog contributed to social change.
YES Media won World Summit Youth Award, World Bank Microsoft Youth Solutions award more Adobe Aspire Awards for their creative work. YES film School introduced a Diploma in Film Production in 2014. The First batch of students graduates in September. The success resulted from online learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration shifting social networks usability. Shilpa Sayura innovative approaches attracted Internet society for Respect Girls on The Internet project which address cyber harassment of girls.
The deep impact was made when United Nations Democratic Fund, supported the Paint a Rainbow initiative which aimed at creating democracy awareness and digital media creation to engage youth in an online dialog. It helped Adobe Youth Voices digital media education program expanding island wide. Shilpa Sayura & YES Media trained 38 digital media trainers in a TOT program and 965 youth at telecentres and schools. The curriculum covered democracy, millennium goals and digital media.
The program enabled youth voices through digital activism on social issues. This project was implemented at a difficult time for non-profit civic involvement, yet many innovative approaches helped achieving goals of social change in 2015.
These programs had an immense impact in youth lives. YES leader Poornima who directed Child Soldier film won Adobe creative scholarship in 2013. She entered motion graphics and animations degree from Nothembria Univesity(UK), which otherwise too expensive on her own. Aadeeptha and Mithun dropped out school yet developed media and electronics engineering careers. Teranga a disturbed youth was able to gain entrance to technical college and employment in digital design field. Romesh, a rural youth from Lahugala gained employment with digital skills. These are few success stories of many youth benefited. The project generated many jobs in ICT and creative media fields and transformed large number of youth as active digital citizens for social change.
Now Shilpa Sayura is planning to upscale YES as appSMART. AppSMART is an insight of current mobile technologies that would transcend into digital economy of Sri Lanka. The idea of AppSMART emerged among youth trained in Digital Rainbow. Shilpa Sayura continuing its innovation aims to create a new breed of young technologists for mobile and wearable apps by training them online and offline.
A Credit Suisse bank report states that Global mobile apps industry currently at 3-4$ billion market expects to grow 25-30$ billion by 2017. Sri Lanka, a nation with 40% ICT literacy, resulting from e Sri Lanka development, soon expects Google loons over the sky. Sri Lanka has a high potential becoming a digital nation providing mobile technology human resources to the world. Shilpa Sayura was initiated in 2006 has implemented many project, learned many lessons, tempered and ready to undertake a larger mission, with support for innovation for provisioning youth economic development.
The seed Shilpa Sayura planted with Adobe UNICEF support is growing to be a huge tree. It will provishade to larger youth population of Sri Lanka in time to come. Shilpa Sayura is setting a global example of UNICEF impact on sustainable young people development that ecological evolution beyond our imaginations.
Niranjan Meegammana
AYV Lead Educator / Ashoka Fellow
Shilpa Sayura Foundation, Sri Lanka
It was a turning point of Shilpa Sayura development which fused YES youth team to become young professionals. The funding helped securing a crew cab, two 5D Mark II cameras, lighting equipment and advanced computers. The funds also used to help Youth team scholarships to help their post secondary education. With funds and equipment youth ( formed YES Media and YES Films social ventures.

YES Films served community and business digital media needs. YES civic media creations ranged from Child Soldiers, Reconciliation, Alcohol & Substance abuse, Cyber Harassment, Poverty, Environment, Cultural Integration and Gender Equality. Their graphics, documentaries and short films exhibited in communities and shared online. The youth initiating an online dialog contributed to social change.
YES Media won World Summit Youth Award, World Bank Microsoft Youth Solutions award more Adobe Aspire Awards for their creative work. YES film School introduced a Diploma in Film Production in 2014. The First batch of students graduates in September. The success resulted from online learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration shifting social networks usability. Shilpa Sayura innovative approaches attracted Internet society for Respect Girls on The Internet project which address cyber harassment of girls.
The deep impact was made when United Nations Democratic Fund, supported the Paint a Rainbow initiative which aimed at creating democracy awareness and digital media creation to engage youth in an online dialog. It helped Adobe Youth Voices digital media education program expanding island wide. Shilpa Sayura & YES Media trained 38 digital media trainers in a TOT program and 965 youth at telecentres and schools. The curriculum covered democracy, millennium goals and digital media.
The program enabled youth voices through digital activism on social issues. This project was implemented at a difficult time for non-profit civic involvement, yet many innovative approaches helped achieving goals of social change in 2015.
The most remarkable impact created by youth during the torrential floods in December 2014. YES Media Team travelled flood affected Moragahakanda, Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura communities. They reported the issues faced by victims creating documentaries for social networks. They were largely shared and generated public support and relief for the flood victims. Their work surpassed professional media in this engagement.
These programs had an immense impact in youth lives. YES leader Poornima who directed Child Soldier film won Adobe creative scholarship in 2013. She entered motion graphics and animations degree from Nothembria Univesity(UK), which otherwise too expensive on her own. Aadeeptha and Mithun dropped out school yet developed media and electronics engineering careers. Teranga a disturbed youth was able to gain entrance to technical college and employment in digital design field. Romesh, a rural youth from Lahugala gained employment with digital skills. These are few success stories of many youth benefited. The project generated many jobs in ICT and creative media fields and transformed large number of youth as active digital citizens for social change.
Now Shilpa Sayura is planning to upscale YES as appSMART. AppSMART is an insight of current mobile technologies that would transcend into digital economy of Sri Lanka. The idea of AppSMART emerged among youth trained in Digital Rainbow. Shilpa Sayura continuing its innovation aims to create a new breed of young technologists for mobile and wearable apps by training them online and offline.
A Credit Suisse bank report states that Global mobile apps industry currently at 3-4$ billion market expects to grow 25-30$ billion by 2017. Sri Lanka, a nation with 40% ICT literacy, resulting from e Sri Lanka development, soon expects Google loons over the sky. Sri Lanka has a high potential becoming a digital nation providing mobile technology human resources to the world. Shilpa Sayura was initiated in 2006 has implemented many project, learned many lessons, tempered and ready to undertake a larger mission, with support for innovation for provisioning youth economic development.
The seed Shilpa Sayura planted with Adobe UNICEF support is growing to be a huge tree. It will provishade to larger youth population of Sri Lanka in time to come. Shilpa Sayura is setting a global example of UNICEF impact on sustainable young people development that ecological evolution beyond our imaginations.
Niranjan Meegammana
AYV Lead Educator / Ashoka Fellow
Shilpa Sayura Foundation, Sri Lanka
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Join us to celebrate International youth day with technology App SMART Live
Join us to celebrate International youth day with technology App SMART Live
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Respect Girls Project Makes Success !!!

Dear Members of YES,
A Big Thank You!
By today, Respect Girls Project made 7605 social connections including you, much above 5000 likes we targeted. Now we have connected and it's our time to educate and empower girls to face harassment on internet by taking action, starting with empathy. We want to tell the world that We are serious and determined to stop harassment of girls on internet.
Now we are looking for young people with a social heart to lead this idea.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Apply for AppSMART 2015
AppSMART 2015 @ Colombo
AppSMART 2015 @ Colombo
Smart Mobile Technology For Youth
August 8th, World Youth Day
To hold series of events islandwide
- To inform how mobile apps can help Social, Environmental and Economic development.
- To inform latest technologies and tools available for app development.
- To create an inspired app developer ICT student Community
- To promote Green ICT practices in Society through youth.
- To introduce careers and revenue opportunities with mobile apps.
- To initiate a mobile app development training course for students.
- To increase apps available in local language for education, entertainment, community and business
- To contribute to national economy creating new breed of apps developers
Jack On The Bench
Jack On The Bench is a short film against Street harassment .It talks about street harassment in a comedic approach.The style of the video is similar to a Charlie Chaplin silent movie style.
SLIS Dream - Sri Lanka ICT Student Society
Shilpa Sayura lunched Sri Lanka ICT Student Society (SLIS) initiative on 4th July 2015 starting to develop group of ICT students of Ranabima Royal College. The project currently at infant stage aims to reach Island wide ICT students community to introduce Green ICT practices, advanced mobile and web technology. Shilpa Sayura is collaborating with 2015 Global GSM Award winner Dialog Ideamart, ISOC Sri Lanka, and YES Film School to develop a hybrid youth development project that will involve ICT, Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship disciplines. The youth technology skills development aims to reach rural masses with local language mobile technologies and information services.

SLIS project has been build on Adobe Youth Voices and UNHABITAT YES programs which made huge national and international success for creative media.
SLIS Initiatve in Facebook
Gamini Pathirana
Salalihiniya News -
See more at:

SLIS project has been build on Adobe Youth Voices and UNHABITAT YES programs which made huge national and international success for creative media.
SLIS Initiatve in Facebook
Gamini Pathirana
Salalihiniya News -
See more at:
Sri Lankan Youth Media Creation reach Adobe Aspire Award Finals
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In December 2014, A torrential Rain and Floods hit North Central Sri Lanka. Ambana is a an isolated village in Moragahakanda Division severely hit by Rain. Living on low lands by the Ambana river, they became first victims. The only bridge to reach their village was collapsed. They had no support for days. AYV Youth traveled to help flood victims with their media skills learnt at AYV. Youth explored the situation and with empathy created this media piece to becoming voices of the voiceless flood victims and shared among their friends and public in social networks. The youth media resulted support and relief for Flood Victims. This is one of their stories that created impact on society resulting from AYV social action.. - See more at:
In December 2014, A torrential Rain and Floods hit North Central Sri Lanka. Ambana is a an isolated village in Moragahakanda Division severely hit by Rain. Living on low lands by the Ambana river, they became first victims. The only bridge to reach their village was collapsed. They had no support for days. AYV Youth traveled to help flood victims with their media skills learnt at AYV. Youth explored the situation and with empathy created this media piece to becoming voices of the voiceless flood victims and shared among their friends and public in social networks. The youth media resulted support and relief for Flood Victims. This is one of their stories that created impact on society resulting from AYV social action.. - See more at:
This is My River- River Cleaning Shramadana Project
This is My River - I Love It Some Don't Help Me Keep It Clean
Today water delivered to people through pipes from rivers. Now People have lost touch with rivers. They are unaware of the pollution and contamination they cause to rivers. Mahaweli Rever starting in mountains flows through villages,cities, farm lands and ecological reserves serves 30% of water to Sri Lanka,. This PSA video was created by YES AVY Team. They studied Mahaweli river, pollution and contamination around their region to initiate a youth social action to Keep Mahaweli River Clean.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
YES Short Film Fake Post reach Top 10 in the World Competition
Fakepost, a short film about cyber harresment of women, produced by YES films reached top position in finals of The Girls Impact the World Film Festival. More
Fake post, a short film based on a true story. Sandya is a bright schoolgirl hoping to enter University. Her poor mother, plucks tea to educate Sandya and her three sisters. Kavan, a popular senior boy from her school; falls for her and proposes to start a love affair. Sandaya refuses to accept. Violence Against Girls begin with frustrated Kavan fake posting to cyber harass Sandaya. The fake posts become known in the community and school, bringing down Sandays World.
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Civic Media Curriculum for Youth
Shilp Sayura in partnership with Yourth Empowerment Society, released a Civic Media Curriculum for Youth reaching milestone 2 of the Paint a Rainbow Project funded by UNDEF and supported by Adobe Youth Voices, Microsoft, World Bank and UNHABITAT. Adobe Youth Voices "Create with a Purpose" youth media creation curriculum and School Civic and Governance curriculum were adapted in creating a practical civic media course to be delivered at schools and rural telecentres. The Civic Media Curriculum, notebook computers and cameras provided to schools and Telecentres to train youth in civic media creation for social change.
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