Sunday, 22 July 2012

Top Myths about Girls and How to develop them

  • Girls can't do math; Boys can. 
  • Dads are smart; Moms aren't; they just work hard.
  • Girls are less competive; They hide desire to win and give up.
  • Boys are better leaders; girls are "bossy" or "aggressive."
  • Girls are perfectionists and not risk taking; boys are the other way.

 WHAT NONSENSE?          

How to help development of Girls

1. Encourage, have high expectations, praise, criticize, and set limits.

2 Emphasize intelligence, hard work, independence, sensitivity, and perseverance in girls

3. De-emphasize the importance of appearance. Relationships that are appearance-based fade as may pretty appearances. Relationships based on shared interests and values have much more potential for depth.

4. Set as high expectations for girls as for boys.

5. Teach girls to compete. Encourage to win. Winning builds confidence and losing builds character.

6. Don't pressure girls fit in socially during adolescence. Many girls feel different during adolescence. Help them to feel comfortable with their differences and redirect their energies toward positive activities like music, drama, debate, science, sports, or religious activities.

7. Encourage girls to read stories about successful women. Help girls to be comfortable with math from preschool and teach spatial skills through puzzles, games, and building activities.

8. Make girls travel with whole family and encourage independent trips with school groups. Travel provides a spirit of adventure, enrichment, family bonding, and self-confidence.

9. Listen to girls when ever they need it. You can discover them better to help them.

10. Accept girls view points of society. Don't just throw away their ideas which can be crystals one day.

Girl Issues in Society

Why Girls have lots of pressure from people around them?

Why parents, teachers, boys give girls lot of negative messages?

Why are they telling that girls can’t do certain things?

Why do they ask girls to look and behave in certain ways?

Is it just because they're girls?

Time's Have Changed!
For me it's nonsense,
because I believe Girls and boys are equal. 

Girl should have equal opportunities.
Girl should have equal freedom.

Like everyone else ....
Girls can do anything. 
Girls can become anything they try.

We need to help girls to discover their full potential. 

That's final... 

It is very important for us to create gender-balanced society. To do that, everyone must play a role in helping girls reach their leadership potential. Because when girls succeed, so does society.

Cyber bullying
This is a form of relational aggression happening online and through text messages. Girls use this indirect yet emotional form of aggression than boys. We need laws to protect children's physical, mental, and emotional health and safety, as well as their social, emotional, and character development. Therefore everyone need to stand up for girls' safety online.

Read Because I am a Girl Blog

What are the girl problems we need to address?
61% of the girls are nor well aware about leadership or say that it's not important to them. Negative influences around, including peer pressure to not stand out, lack of mentors, unhealthy images in the media about beauty, and bullying.

The cycle of discouragement of girls begin in primary schools and it goes on to have negative impact on our society long term.

We can create a better world by empowering girls. 

High-paying science, technology, engineering, and math jobs provide a financial future for girls. At 4th grade  91% of girls good in Math. By 12th grade, only 40% of girls would continue math. There for women account for less than 15% in engineering, computer science, and physics. Get girls to Study Math, ICT and Physics more.

It is the right answer

Relational aggression
This is behavior that harm others by damaging, threatening, or manipulating a girls relationship with peers or by injuring a peer's feeling of social acceptance of the girl. They use rumors, gossiping, encouraging others to reject or exclude another, taunting and teasing, name calling, and other forms of social isolation.

Some use technology and social networks to treat girls cruelly.
38% of girls worry about their emotional safety when spending time with their peers and friends. Cyber bullying is a major issue. 85% have been cyberbullied at least once. We need to protect the physical and emotional security of girls, so that they can achieve their full potential.

Preventing Cyber bullying and Aggression of girls
Girls get emotional damage from peer pressure, aggression, and the mean-girl culture of bullying in schools, classes and online now. Bullying comes in many forms like shunning, taunting, spreading rumors, and betraying a confidence, both online and offline. Teachers and parents tend to disregard these behaviors as a “part of growing up,” but the negatice impact on girls is severe.

Here’s how:

1. Recognize the behaviors exhibited by bullied victims. Victims usually keep quite, so it’s vital to spot the warning signs of becoming secretive, sullen, moody, anxious, depressed, angry, or sad, Poor academic performance, Eating disorders ...

2. Build confidence among girls so that they can change the bullying culture. When someone is bullied, speak up

3. Say no rumors by not spreading them and standing up for the victim
4. Telling an adult, or ask victim to tell an adult.

5. Setting a good example by showing respect and kindness towards girls around you.

Every student deserves to learn in a safe, supportive environment. Unfortunately, many girls fear being teased, and bullied in school. To ensure that every girl can reach her full potential, we need to combat bullying, Relational aggression, especially cyberbullying-that uniquely affects girls.

Thursday, 5 July 2012