- Girls can't do math; Boys can.
- Dads are smart; Moms aren't; they just work hard.
- Girls are less competive; They hide desire to win and give up.
- Boys are better leaders; girls are "bossy" or "aggressive."
- Girls are perfectionists and not risk taking; boys are the other way.
How to help development of Girls
1. Encourage, have high expectations, praise, criticize, and set limits.
2 Emphasize intelligence, hard work, independence, sensitivity, and perseverance in girls
3. De-emphasize the importance of appearance. Relationships that are appearance-based fade as may pretty appearances. Relationships based on shared interests and values have much more potential for depth.
4. Set as high expectations for girls as for boys.
5. Teach girls to compete. Encourage to win. Winning builds confidence and losing builds character.
6. Don't pressure girls fit in socially during adolescence. Many girls feel different during adolescence. Help them to feel comfortable with their differences and redirect their energies toward positive activities like music, drama, debate, science, sports, or religious activities.
7. Encourage girls to read stories about successful women. Help girls to be comfortable with math from preschool and teach spatial skills through puzzles, games, and building activities.
8. Make girls travel with whole family and encourage independent trips with school groups. Travel provides a spirit of adventure, enrichment, family bonding, and self-confidence.
9. Listen to girls when ever they need it. You can discover them better to help them.
10. Accept girls view points of society. Don't just throw away their ideas which can be crystals one day.