- It is a Students, teachers, parents and community lead environmental management system.
- It help improves schools environment
- It makes school more healthier
- It makes school more beautiful
Some examples of School Environmental Problems
- Garbage disposal
- Water Wastage
- Heat in Class Rooms
- Sounds from Vehicals
- CO2/Dark smokes entering school
- Land Slides/Erosion
Some examples of School Health Problems
- Dengue Fever from mosquitos
- Diareha from bacteria
- Ashma, Bronchites from carbon smoke
- Headaches from heat
- Environmental Education for students and teachers
- Engage students in greening their schools
- Re-think school lunch
- Re-think Water usage
- Saving Energy / Use Sunlight
- School Environmental Re-Engineering
- Create Class Gardens
- Vertical Gardens/ Green Walls/ Living Walls
- Green roofing
Living walls - combined system plastic containers, geotextiles, irrigation systems and a growing medium (ferns, low shrubs, perennial flowers and edible plants.)
Environmental benefits of green walls
sound insulation
filter air particulates to improve air quality
reduce heat creating echo islands
reduce internal temperature (external shading)
micro climates to alter the climate of a city
storm water absorbing from rainfall/moisture
creates natural animal habitat
beautiful & pleasing
Environmental benefits of green roofing
- Reduce heat inside classrooms
- Reduce cooling in winter
- reduce the average temperatures
- Natural Habitat Creation urban wilderness
- Filter pollutants and carbon dioxide out of the air insulate a building for sound;
(soil helps to block lower frequencies and the plants block higher frequencies) - Increase agricultural space
- water is stored by the substrate and then taken up by the plants from where it is returned to the atmosphere
- through transpiration and evaporation