A knowledge Society is a society that is nurtured by
its diversity and its capacities. (UNESCO)
its diversity and its capacities. (UNESCO)

YES~City of Youth team training DS Library Staff on internet, email and social networks
for the sharing of knowledge for city development. The Knowledge City initiative of YES~City of Youth Project aims to bridge the knowledge gap between City Governance, Business Community, Youth and Public by creating technologies and communication supported platform for information, collaboration and action for sustainable city development.
"Every society has its own knowledge assets. It is therefore necessary to work towards connecting the forms of knowledge that societies already possess and the new forms of development, acquisition and spread of knowledge valued by the knowledge economy model." - UNESCO
"The 3rd Industrial revolution happening in 21st century advances new technologies and globalization. The resulting Knowledge econolmy has placed the cognitive resources at the center of human activity and Social Dynamics." - UNESCO
What is needed to be done?
The education of critical thinking is highly important in building a real knowledge societies. A knowledge society must foster knowledge-sharing. Nobody should be excluded from knowledge societies, where knowledge is a public good, available to each and every individual.
Young people are play a major role because they are among the first to use new technologies in everyday life. But older people also have an important part to play. They possess the experience an knowledge of the road to wisdom.